OAIRE, Oklahoma State University
EFPL Member: 2016-2023
Ph.D. Dissertation: Regional infrasound monitoring: From terrestrial to celestial
M.S. Thesis: Investigation of low-profile vortex generators via computational methods
Expertise: Computational fluid dynamics, acoustic propagation, beamforming, infrasound source identification
Updated: March 2, 2024
Educational Background
Ph.D., 2023, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater.
M.S., 2019, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater.
B.S., 2017, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater.
Honors & Awards
- Graduated summa cum laude, 2017
- Outstanding Academic Achievement, OSU MAE 2017
- Best Outstanding Paper by a Young Presenter or Early Career Presenter Award, Acoustical Society of America, 2020
- Robberson Summer Research Award, OSU Graduate College, 2022
- EFPL Scholar’s Cup Winner; 2021, 2022, 2023
Archived Journal Articles
- TC Wilson, J Brenner, Z Morrison, JD Jacob and BR Elbing (2022) “Wind speed statistics from a small UAS and its sensitivity to sensor location,” Atmosphere, 13(3), 443.
- TC Wilson, CE Petrin and BR Elbing (2023) “Infrasound and low-audible acoustic detections from a long-term microphone array deployment in Oklahoma,” Remote Sensing, 15(5), 1455-23.
- TC Wilson, FK Dannemann-Dugick, DC Bowman, CE Petrin and BR Elbing (2023) “Seismoacoustic signatures observed during a long-term deployment of infrasound sensor at the Nevada National Security site,” Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 113(4), 1493-1512.
- RJ KC, TC Wilson, AS Alexander, JD Jacob, NA Lucido & BR Elbing (2023) “Evaluation of a serrated edge to mitigate adverse effects of a backward-facing step on an airfoil,” Inventions, 8(6), 160.
Conference Papers
- TC Wilson, RJ KC, NA Lucido, BR Elbing, AS Alexander, JD Jacob, P Ireland & JA Black (2019) “Computational investigation of the conformal vortex generator,” 2019 AIAA SciTech Forum, Fluid Dynamics: Wall-Bounded Flows, AIAA-2019-2138, San Diego, CA (Jan 7-11).
- RJ KC, NA Lucido, TC Wilson, AS Alexander, BR Elbing, JD Jacob, P Ireland & JA Black (2019) “Experimental investigation of conformal vortex generators via wake survey,” 2019 AIAA SciTech Forum, Applied Aerodynamics: Flow Control Demonstrations and Applications, AIAA-2019-0578, San Diego, CA (Jan 7-11).
- NA Lucido, RJ KC, TC Wilson, JD Jacob, AS Alexander, BR Elbing, P Ireland & JA Black (2019) “Laminar boundary layer scaling over a conformal vortex generator,” 2019 AIAA SciTech Forum, Fluid Dynamics: Flow Control (Fundamentals and Physics), AIAA-2019-1135, San Diego, CA (Jan 7-11).
- BR Elbing, TC Wilson, CE Petrin, RJ KC, T Swaim and B Lindsey (2023) “Observations and potential mechanisms for tornado infrasound,” Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 51(1), 022001.
National/International Conference Presentations
- S Mohagheghian, TC Wilson, B Valenzuela, T Hinds, K Moseni, & BR Elbing (2016) “Bubble size distribution in a vibrating bubble column,” American Physical Society – Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, A21.08, Portland, OR (Nov. 20-22); abstract in Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. Vol. 61(20).
- NA Lucido, RJ KC, TC Wilson, JD Jacob, AS Alexander, P Ireland, JA Black & BR Elbing (2018) “Scaling of the flow over a conformal vortex generator with a laminar boundary layer,” American Physical Society – Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, D15.8, Atlanta, GA (Nov. 18-20); abstract in Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. Vol. 63(13).
- TC Wilson, RJ KC, BR Elbing, JD Jacob, P Ireland, JA Black & AS Alexander (2018) “Computational investigation of a low profile vortex generator,” American Physical Society – Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, D15.9, Atlanta, GA (Nov. 18-20); abstract in Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. Vol. 63(13).
- TC Wilson, RJ KC, BR Elbing & M Van Den Broeke (2020) “Infrasound propagation in the atmospheric conditions of tornado producing storms,” APS-DFD Annual Meeting, E02.2, virtual (Nov 22-24); abstract in Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. Vol. 65(13).
- TC Wilson, RJ KC, BR Elbing & MS Van Den Broeke (2020) “Modeling infrasound propagation from tornado producing storms,” 179th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 4pCAa2, virtual meeting (7-11 Dec). [Best Paper Award – Computational Acoustics]
- ZD Morrison, T Wilson & BR Elbing (2021) “Atmospheric boundary layer characterization via UAS wind speed measurements,” APS-DFD Annual Meeting, P30.6, Phoenix, AZ (Nov 21-23); abstract in Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. Vol. 66(17).
- TC Wilson & BR Elbing (2021) “Background noise characterization and event detection at an infrasound array in Oklahoma,” APS-DFD Annual Meeting, T31.2, Phoenix, AZ (Nov 21-23); abstract in Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. Vol. 66(17).
- CE Petrin, T Wilson & BR Elbing (2021) “Atmospheric infrasound & seismic observations during severe storms from the IRIS USArray,” AGU Fall Meeting, S55C-0149, New Orleans, LA and virtual (Dec 13-17).
- T Wilson, CE Petrin & BR Elbing (2021) “Event detection at an infrasound array in Oklahoma,” AGU Fall Meeting, S53C-05, New Orleans, LA and virtual (Dec 13-17).
- TC Wilson, BR Elbing & JD Jacob (2022) “Assessment of UAS based atmospheric boundary layer sampling of wind speed,” APS-DFD Annual Meeting, U33.5, Indianapolis, IN (Nov 20-22); abstract in Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. Vol. 67(19).
- J Jacob, G Azevedo, BR Elbing, B Revard & T Wilson (2022) “Urban impacts on UAS observations,” AGU Fall Meeting, A15G-1321, Chicago, IL (Dec 12-16).
- BR Elbing, TC Wilson, C Petrin, RJ KC, T Swaim & B Lindsey (2023) “Tornado infrasound: Observations and potential mechanisms,” 184th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 2pCA5, Chicago, IL (May 8-12); abstract in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 153(3), A142.
- EA Silber, DC Bowman, S Krishnamoorthy, CG Carr, RA Haaser, BR Elbing, MA Garces, P Liu, PS Blom, S Albert, D Eisenberg, LB Beardslee, B Beck, E Berg, JW Bishop, G Bracht, JA Cutts, LR Danielson, C Donahue, KB Eack, A Goel, E Hough, J Izraelevitz, J Jacob, RJ KC, A Komjathy, L Martire, E McGhee, LO Giraldo, MR Giannone, K Spillman, G Srinivas, C Van Beek, L Viens, JD Webster, N Weinstein, T Wilson, Z Yap & CP Zeiler (2023) “The OSIRIS-REx sample return capsule re-entry: A coordinated seismo-acoustic observational campaign for the study of meteor phenomena,” AGU Fall Meeting, S02-07, San Francisco, CA (Dec 11-15).
- T Wilson, EA Silber, BR Elbing & T Colston (2023) “Estimation of bolide entry characteristics through infrasound observations,” AGU Fall Meeting, S02-08, San Francisco, CA (Dec 11-15).
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